Our focus continues to be on the full potential of each student. A service plan is created with individual goals, and progress is evaluated quarterly to ensure student growth and success. Parent / teacher communication guides the core of student individualization.
A Student Information System tracks student academic progress and efficiently monitors progress throughout the school year. These results will be compared to previous academic achievement and the faculty will make data driven instructional decisions. Adjustments will be made to programming to ensure maximum student growth. These results will be discussed at parent teacher conferences, and shared quarterly through school to home communication.
Our program is for ages 6 through adulthood. It is a pleasure for teachers to watch a young timid student grow into a happy, confident adult. Exploration Academy students help Lower School students in the computer lab, and Joy Center adults work in the front office, walk the younger students to their classrooms, and deliver messages. Most students attend St. Michael for many years, and gain lifelong friends.
A sense of belonging is what many parents hope for their child with disabilities. At St. Michael, our students are able to participate in many “typical” activities such as sports, student council, dances, cheerleading, altar servers and mass readers. We have high expectations for behavior, and social appropriateness. Our students do not see one another’s differences - they see their lifelong friends. Parents are able to meet other parents with similar experiences. It truly is an extended family.